Posts in Self Care
10 Prompts to Help You Set Intentions for the New Year

Just in case you're starting to think about 2024, I wanted to share my favorite journal prompts so you'll have them to work through whenever the time is right for you. I encourage you to make this a slow, cozy process whenever you start. Stay snuggled up and relaxed on the couch or in bed while the kids are sleeping or watching a movie and reflect. Use this time, not to do, but to ponder and decide.

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It's OK to Not Be Happy All the Time

My 1:1 coaching clients are doing big things in the world and experiencing frustration, anger, boredom, and a host of other "negative" emotions. The biggest difference? They're not expecting to be happy every day. They're navigating challenges and getting support through tough times, all while creating fulfilling careers, spending time with their kids, and prioritizing the hobbies and relationships that give them something to look forward to.

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How to Prioritize Yourself as a Mom

Regardless of how the kids felt or whether or not they enjoyed it, it was something I wanted to do. And that was enough. That change in perspective didn't take away the frustration or disappointment in the way they behaved. But it colored my memory of the day a little differently. It helped me turn my attention to the things that I did enjoy.

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How to Date Your Spouse

Research has been done about how trying or learning new things together strengthens a relationship. It's a new shared experience where you get to see each other in new ways. And for parents, where it's all too easy to just talk about your kids, you're forced to put your attention on the experience itself. On figuring out or learning this new activity and therefore you're not talking about the kids or the logistics of life. You get to just BE together.

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How to Make Sustainable Changes that Will Change Your Life

The reality is that doing things that stretch you, rarely feels good at first. But that doesn't mean you stop. It means you sit with the discomfort knowing that this is exactly how it's supposed to feel. Nothing has gone wrong. It WORKING! So when I'm trying to help a client break a habit, make a change, and stretch themselves into a new self-concept, I assign small, but uncomfortable homework challenges.

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How to Make More Time for Self-Care

A time audit is something I regularly do for myself and something that I ask my clients to do as well. It's data and information that we can use to either recommit to how we're spending our time or change it. When you have to track something, you pay more attention. And when you pay more attention, you start to notice all of the things that you're doing without even being aware of them. And from that awareness, you can start to make decisions:

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