Posts tagged time management
Finding Time for Hobbies as a Busy Working Mom

I hope my sweater can serve as proof, as inspiration, that even though it may take time. Even though it may feel like progress is slow and you take two steps forward and one step back, things change. And those things that you love will always be there. They're not holding a calendar or timer. They know you'll be back. The question is - do you know?

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When You Feel Like You're Not Doing Enough as a Working Mom

Questions are just your brain being curious. And that's a good thing! It's when you let those questions fester and sit unanswered, that's when you start to question yourself. So if you're feeling doubtful or guilty about anything in your life right now, find the question that needs to be answered and answer it.

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How to Make More Time for Self-Care

A time audit is something I regularly do for myself and something that I ask my clients to do as well. It's data and information that we can use to either recommit to how we're spending our time or change it. When you have to track something, you pay more attention. And when you pay more attention, you start to notice all of the things that you're doing without even being aware of them. And from that awareness, you can start to make decisions:

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Does Batching Save You Time as a Working Mom?

It takes effort and energy sometimes to do the mundane, adulting chores that are just a part of life. When you batch, it means less energy spent "getting the wheels turning". Once they're rolling, you just keep rolling. And that to me is worth it. As you're thinking about what chores or recurring tasks you can batch, here are a few tips that I've learned over the years that make for a successful batching session, regardless of whether you're batch cooking or processing paperwork.

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Quantity versus Quality Time with Your Kids

When you plan an activity or outing, do you think ahead to the memory it will create? It's kind of like taking a picture to capture a moment so you can have physical evidence to go along with the memory. I love looking back at photos from years past and being reminded of all of the things that we did, the places we visited, and the milestones we crossed. And...I want to remind you that those memories also happen in the little things as well.

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How to Transition From Home to Work

Switching your energy and focus to productive work can be trying when you have been dealing with the demands of your children. Often, time carved out for work is the only alone time you have in your day - so you find yourself checking out a bit before jumping into productivity. You end up frustrated with yourself because you’ve lost valuable time aimlessly scrolling the internet or socials. Try these actionable steps to make the transition easier.

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