Posts in Productivity
My Process for Reaching Goals

Are you taking "photos" of your life? Are you taking snapshots and notes so that someday in the future you can look back and celebrate how much has changed? How much you've changed and grown? And are you taking the time to dream about what it is that you want to "plant" in your life? Being able to see and celebrate your progress is a skill and it’s not one that most of us are taught. But it’s crucial to feeling good in your life.

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Does Batching Save You Time as a Working Mom?

It takes effort and energy sometimes to do the mundane, adulting chores that are just a part of life. When you batch, it means less energy spent "getting the wheels turning". Once they're rolling, you just keep rolling. And that to me is worth it. As you're thinking about what chores or recurring tasks you can batch, here are a few tips that I've learned over the years that make for a successful batching session, regardless of whether you're batch cooking or processing paperwork.

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Trying to 'Figure Out' Life as a Working Mom?

"I need to figure it out"

It's a phrase I hear frequently and I want to talk about it because it's sneaky and often drains your mental energy.

How? Because it's not specific.

It creates open loops and unanswered questions that your brain desperately wants to close. And that constant scanning and thinking in the background takes extra energy that most of us don't have to spare.

Here's what you should say instead.

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My 5 Favorite Routines for Simplifying Life

As working moms, we need to make more decisions in advance so we're not faced with decision fatigue at the end of the day. We need rhythms for our families that everyone understands so we're not the gatekeeper of information. And we need to know that we have the time and space to take care of ourselves and even have a little fun along the way.

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