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Click below to join the waitlist with other working moms looking forward to changing the way they manage time!

Next cohort begins in January 2024!

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You want to create more space in your life for the things that matter most…


→ You’re a busy working mom with work, a family, competing priorities, and full schedules and you’re spread so thin most days that it doesn’t feel like you’re doing anything well.

→ You desperately want to find a way to organize your work and your life so you can stop feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and mentally exhausted.

→ You don’t want to just “get through” your days; you want to live them. To be intentional with your priorities and how you spend your time.

That’s exactly why I created…


I believe that despite what you’re told, you can’t have it all…

And the sooner you decide what your priorities really are, the faster you can stop trying to do it all and instead do what matters most to you.

Imagine ending each day feeling like you spent it well. Like you made progress on the things that are most important, took care of yourself, and truly appreciated your life, your family, yourself.


Imagine being able to navigate distractions, stress, and the unexpected with confidence and ease.

You have a plan that you trust, systems that make life easier, and an outlook on time that allows you to take things in stride.

You show up at work ready to give it your full energy and focus as you make decisions and prioritize like a pro. And then you come home in the evenings to a clear plan for the evening with plenty of time and energy to just be together. The quality of your time is priceless.

This life is completely possible and the tools I teach in Beyond Balance will help you get there.


Beyond Balance is an 8-week, intimate group coaching program for working moms that will transform the way you manage time so you can be more present at work and at home.

Next cohort begins in January 2024!

Working Mom Coach Testimonial Charlene

"If you feel stuck and want to make a change, but aren’t sure how you need to check out Beyond Balance. Katelyn gives you actionable tips that you can implement right away to have an immediate positive impact on your life. I’m so glad I joined this program to help me realize my capacity for change and I’m so excited about the future!"

- Charlene S.


I’m Katelyn.
A life coach for busy working moms who want to work and be a present mom, but are exhausted from doing it all.

As a full-time working mom of three young kids, I understand what it’s like to feel tired and overwhelmed and like you’re missing out on actually enjoying the life you’re creating.


Inside Beyond Balance, I coach you through practical strategies and mindset tools so that your day-to-day life feels more manageable and you can start to find the margin for the professional and/or life goals that have been on the backburner for too long.

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Beyond Balance is for you if:


✓ You want a better way of keeping track of everything you have to do and a plan for getingt it all done without burning out.

✓ You want the confidence to make faster, stronger decisions about your priorities and what’s worth your time.

✓ You’re ready to make progress on goals and projects that are important to you - health, hobbies, relationships, and more!

✓ You want to be more present with your family and create family experiences that they’ll look back on someday and smile about.

✓ You know you need better systems and routines but you’re not even sure where to start.

✓ You want to set better boundaries so you can be productive during work hours but then set it aside at the end of the day.


you don’t have to figure it out on your own. join a community of
like-minded women led by a coach who gets it.

Join the waitlist! The next cohort begins in January 2024!

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“Beyond Balance gave me the opportunity to connect with other working moms in a supportive space and be reminded that I am not alone in my experiences and challenges. Katelyn gave me more things to process and take action on than I feel like I’ve gotten from years in therapy! Her positive, down-to-earth energy and relatability are infections. Working with her feels like working with a supportive friend.”

- Kara Lydon


Here’s what you’ll learn in Beyond Balance:



Learn how to successfully plan your days with examples and tools that you’ll use to establish your own planning routine and finally get organized.



Learn to make faster, more confident decisions and to decide in advance. Take back that mental energy for more important things in your day.



There will always be something that comes up. Learn how to be flexible and responsive when things don’t go as planned so you don’t end up overwhelmed.



Understand why you feel overwhelmed and how that impacts your ability to be present. Learn the strategies that will have you feeling more relaxed immediately.



Life is full of cycles and you are not a robot. Learn how to track your energy and craft a plan that enhances your productivity instead of steamrolling it.



Life isn’t just about to-dos; it should be fun, too! Learn to dream and imagine possibilities that will have you excited for what’s to come.



When everything feels important, you have to prioritize or nothing will get done. My step-by-step process will help you move through your days with purpose and intention.



The goal is to make life as simple as possible. Take inventory of your days and create new strategies to streamline everyday life for you and your family.



Life isn’t just about to-dos; it should be fun, too! Learn to dream and imagine possibilities that will have you excited for what’s to come.


Those on the waitlist will get first dibs at seats in the next cohort - and Early Bird pricing!

Next cohort begins in January 2024!


The Beyond Balance Experience

In this 8-week group coaching program, you’ll receive:

8– WEEKLY GROUP Coaching sessions

We’ll meet weekly for a live group coaching session via Zoom (typically Tuesdays or Thursdays 12-1pm EST). You’ll be coached by me, learn from the group, and have access to recordings if you ever have to miss.


Have your questions answered, connect with other working moms, and get an additional layer of accountability in our group Slack channel so you’re never stuck between sessions.


Each week you’ll receive a new training video and worksheet along with resources, prompts and other tools to help you take action right away as you implement everything you learn.


Revisit the worksheets and training videos as often as you need for as long as you need. The material is yours even after the program ends.

Working Mom Life Coach Testimonial Ieva

“The information shared in Beyond Balance should be basic knowledge for all women. Women need to know they don't have to give up on themselves or their lives just because they wish to be a mom, and even more so for working moms.”

- Ieva Lazdane



Pay in full - $799

3 Monthly Payments of $299

Enrollment is currently closed - those on the waitlist will be notified when the next cohort opens!

Space in Beyond Balance is limited to ensure an intimate group experience.


So the question you
have to ask yourself is…

Are you happy with the way things are or are you ready to make a change?


Still have questions?

+ I'm busy! How much time will this require?

First, I've not coached a single working mom who wasn't busy. They've all been doing exactly what you're doing - working hard in their careers, taking care of kids, homes and all the other responsibilities. They just decided that prioritizing themselves was necessary for change.

I know the realities of how much time you have because I'm right there with you - a full-time working mom of 3 young kids. If you can come to our weekly coaching session (1 hour) and find an additional 30 minutes in the week to watch the lesson and complete the homework, you will get MORE than what you came for. And if you need help putting that time in your calendar, reach out. I'd love to help!

+ When does the program start?

The next round is starting in January 2024! To be notified, be sure to join the waitlist!

+ When are the coaching sessions? What if I'm unable to attend?

Group calls are held on Tuesdays from 12 - 1 pm EST. All sessions are recorded so you can catch up whenever it's best for you. You can also submit your questions in advance so we can address them on the call if you can't make it live.

+ How many people are in the group?

You can expect to be in a group of about 6-10 working moms. This is designed to be a small group coaching experience where everyone gets plenty of individualized attention and you truly get to know the other women in the program with you.

+ What are the coaching calls like?

On our weekly live calls, you'll have the opportunity to be coached by me and also hear from others in the group as they share their challenges, solutions, and reflections. While getting coached live can be incredibly supportive to your progress, it's not a requirement and some clients simply attend, listen, and learn from the group and still see amazing results.

+ I'm not sure I'm ready - who is this program best for?

This program is for you if you are a working mom who is struggling to get it all done. You're looking to get organized so you can better plan, better prioritize and make better use of your time. You know you need accountability, ideas, and support to follow through and the idea of learning from other working moms as part of a community is exciting.

+ I’m worried about what my husband will think when I tell him I want to invest in life coaching. How do I explain this to him?

You start by knowing why you want this and then you remember that the people in our lives who love us, want us to have what we need. If this is what you need to feel more organized and show up in your life in a way that you feel good about, he should hear that. And I would also offer that there is a difference between asking for permission and asking for support. Which are you asking for?

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