How to Stop Overthinking as a Working Mom

working mom making progress on her goals

One of my goals this year is to appear on more podcasts. 

It makes perfect sense. My clients are curious, they like to learn new things, and right now in this stage of life, podcasts are more realistic and efficient than say, reading a book. 

So my thinking is if I appear on more podcasts, I can reach more women who are like my amazing clients.

But I have to confess something about my goal…

I’ve been carrying it over from one year to the next for the last 3 years without actually pitching myself to any podcasts. 

How is that possible?

How can I have the same goal for three years in a row and not have actually done anything about it?

I’ll tell you how…

I've been confusing thinking with doing

I've spent a lot of time thinking about the types of podcasts I’d like to be on, the topics I’d talk about, and the offers I'd make to help working moms. 

I've thought about how I’d promote each interview and how I’d repurpose the best quotes to share with YOU!

Oh, and I've been researching... 

I've researched how to write a pitch that stands out, how to create systems and processes for pitching, and how to be as efficient as possible when pitching regularly.

With so much thinking and research, I believed I was accomplishing my goal. 

But thinking isn’t the same as doing. It gives the illusion of moving things forward but it doesn’t produce tangible results. 

It’s similar to researching or telling yourself you need to figure it out when all you really need to do is try something.

Experiment. Take one small action or step so you start learning and actually figuring it out.

So last month I signed up for a program to learn a specific podcast pitching strategy but more importantly, to hold me accountable for actually pitching. 

Every week I show up to our call, share the progress I’ve made, get coached if I’m stuck, and create my plan for the next week.

And let me tell you it feels amazing to finally be sending pitches instead of just thinking about sending them. (Plus I have my first interview next week and I’m stoked! If you’re a working, pumping mom, this one’s for you!)

You probably have your own version of my “podcast guesting” goal. 

Something you’ve wanted to do or try or change but so far you’ve just been thinking about it.

You’ve been researching, buying things to help, consuming podcasts or social media content, and telling yourself you’re "figuring it out".

It’s all great knowledge! But those experts aren't you. They're not living your life, with your schedule, and your responsibilities. 

The only way to actually figure it out is to try a bunch of things, collect “data”, and adjust until you find what works for you. 

In Beyond Balance, you're not just learning. You're doing.

You're taking one small action each week so you can collect information and bring it back to the group for coaching and feedback. I even help you choose the action!

This program isn't just for learning how to manage your time and prioritize the most important things. 

It's for you to actually start managing your time more efficiently and prioritizing the most important things.

If you want to continue thinking and researching, there are thousands of books, blog posts, and podcast episodes that you can consume for free on how to manage your time, work, and life as a working mom. I have some amazing recommendations!

But if you want to roll up your sleeves and actually do the thing, then Beyond Balance is for you.

You’re ready to take action.

Enrollment is open. Click here to schedule a 15-minute call to confirm that you're ready. We start on February 7th.