Posts tagged mom guilt
Why The Term "Mom Guilt" Is Making You Feel Worse

As I was coaching a client recently on her feelings of mom guilt, we decided to try out a different word. One that doesn't come with so much weight and the thought that you've done something wrong. We swapped guilt for doubt. Mom doubt. (or just doubt because not everything we experience as moms has to be labeled with the word "mom". No one ever says "dad guilt".) Doubt doesn't mean you've done something wrong. It means you're unsure.

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Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

We’ve all heard it: Comparison is the thief of joy. Yet we, as moms, all continue to do the thing that’s creating frustration and has such a stronghold against us - look at other moms and their way of doing and set that as the benchmark for our actions. How can we change the tide? Try coming at it from a place of curiosity rather than comparison.

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