Posts tagged busy working mom
Maycember: A Working Mom's Guide to Surviving

Happy Maycember! The month that rivals December in the number of activities, events, and commitments, especially for parents. IYKYK. This is the time of year when everyone realizes that it’s almost the end of the school year and so we rush to fit all the things into the calendar while also juggling the holidays and other events that are fixed in May.

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How to Survive Maycember

This is the time of year when everyone realizes that it’s almost the end of the school year and so we rush to fit all the things into the calendar while also juggling the holidays and other events that are fixed in May. I don’t have it all figured out, but I’m borrowing some of the strategies I use in December to create an intentional holiday season and applying them here.

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What to Do When You Over-Commit

It's incredibly easy to get swept up in the excitement of warmer weather, being with friends, celebrating end of school and everything else. So of course, the topic of over-committing is top of mind. Maybe it is for you too. Maybe, like me, you’re in a position where you’re already in the thick of it, wondering what you can do. What can you do if you've already said yes, submitted the registration, or made the commitment in some shape or form?

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Everything's Important... How do I prioritize it all?

You look at your week to make a plan. Everything is important, all of it. You’ve got a looming deadline at work. School supplies need to be purchased. Laundry must be done. Sports practices. What if there’s hope hidden in just four simple steps? Try it. You, even as a working mom, may just find yourself with a bit of extra time this week.

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