How to Find Perspective

woman staring at the moon and night sky

Today is the solstice, something I never paid much attention to until a few years ago.

Before that, it was always just the "shortest day of the year".

A date to get through so the days could start getting longer again and we could have more daylight.

It wasn't until I started taking an interest in astrology that I came to appreciate the solstice and its traditions of creating our own light in the darkness.

Did you know I'm into astrology?

It's true! I'm a novice as in, I couldn't read your chart if you asked me to. But I've had mine read and I love reading luminaryparenting's daily astrology forecast for several reasons:

  1. It helps me see myself through a different lens, in the same way that a personality test might (think Enneagram, Human Design, Myers-Briggs, etc.).

  2. It helps me think about my kids and how we're often feeling similarly given where we are in the cycle. It also helps me think about how I can respond to their needs (and my own) nurturing way (this is luminaryparenting's focus and why I connected with her in the first place).

  3. But most importantly, astrology gives me perspective.

Thinking about the moon and the sky reminds me, in a good way, how small I am in the grand scheme of things.

When it's all too easy to get caught up in the little things like work, schedules, family dynamics, my clothes, or what we're eating for dinner, I'm reminded that there's a much bigger picture outside of myself.

So I make time each day to notice the phase of the moon.

Not only does it help me feel grounded in the same way that putting my bare feet on the grass or looking out the window at the horizon does, it also reminds me that time is passing.

That even when life feels stagnant and hard or easy and beautiful, it's a cycle and everything has a season.

So if astrology is a bit too "out there" for you, that's cool. I get that cause it used to be that way for me too.

But I do hope you find something that helps you feel grounded. Something that gives you a dose of perspective.

It could be a meditation practice, being outside in nature, or just taking a second to look away from your screen and out the window at the horizon. It's about pausing for a moment and looking outside the day-to-day.

And if you want to honor and celebrate the solstice tonight, it's not too late. My favorite and easiest way to celebrate is simply to spend the evening by candlelight. Remembering that the days are dark now, but they will get longer and brighter.

If you want to be more intentional with pausing to reflect, to gain perspective, and to "let go of the little things", Beyond Balance is just what you need. In this small group, you'll learn how to manage your time, tasks, and schedule to create more space for your priorities, including pausing and being present. You can add your name to the waitlist here to learn more.