Navigate Changes and Transitions with Ease

We have an old-school "at-a-glance" paper calendar that hangs in our kitchen. You know the kind - big, plain, lots of space for scribbling.


Last night, my husband and I were reviewing the schedule and when we flipped to September and October, they were shockingly empty! (Gosh does that feel good.)

But this is not our first rodeo. We know it won't stay that way.

With school starting tomorrow and soccer next week, it's only a matter of days before the events, activities, and invites start rolling in and those boxes start filling up.

Which is why NOW is the time to block off time for the things we want to do.

Things like apple picking, hosting an outdoor movie night, and DIYing our family costumes for Halloween.

And time for projects like cleaning out and prepping our garden beds for the winter, finishing up our mudroom, and decluttering the basement.

When schedules get full, those projects, events, and fun things without a deadline end up being an afterthought.

Suddenly it'll be November, everyone will be talking about the holidays, and you'll realize you never did the fall things you actually wanted to do.

Maybe you'll scramble to squeeze them in, but they'll feel like they were squeezed in. They'll feel rushed and it'll be one more thing you add to the calendar, leaving everyone, most of all you, tired and grumpy.

But with one hour of intentional planning now, your fall could look drastically different.

In the Fall Freedom Workshop, happening next Tuesday, August 22nd, we'll come together for one hour to think ahead and anticipate what's coming with this season for your family.

You'll look at the big picture, the everyday schedule, the expectations, and the calendar and piece it all together to make sure it fits.

And not just that it fits on paper, but that it fits with how you want the season to feel.

Is there enough space, enough time with friends and family, enough time in nature, or time with your spouse?

What might be challenging (hello, time change) or hard about this season and what could help? How can you anticipate your own needs in the same way you anticipate your kids' needs for snacks or sleep?

Making decisions in advance about how you want to spend your time, makes it so much easier to say yes or no to things that come up along the way. You can always change your plans or change your mind, but for now, you're creating a tentative map.

And that feels so good!

Now, I'm not saying that by creating this plan everything will go perfectly. Life loves to throw us curveballs.

But seeing what's possible and thinking about your time and how you want this season to feel, will help you rearrange things later when you need to make room for the unexpected.

If you've attended my Stress Less Holiday workshop in the past and felt how empowering it is to think ahead about what you want and need to do for the season, you'll love the Fall Freedom workshop too.

Every season brings change. You can experience it as a passenger or as a driver.

This workshop is for those who appreciate being in the driver's seat.