10 Journal Prompts for Working Moms

Do you journal?

I hear from so many women that they want to create a habit of writing and reflecting, but they just don't have the time.

When I ask them how much time they think they need to write, they say, "I don't know. Maybe about a half-hour."

A half-hour would be AMAZING! And... of course you don't have a regular habit of writing. That's a lot of time to just "find".

Would you be surprised to hear that when I sit down to journal, I usually only write for about 5 minutes, 10 at most?

And I can write a lot in that amount of time, especially if I'm writing whatever comes to mind without editing myself (which, isn't that the point of journaling?)

Winding down this year and thinking about the new year to come is the perfect time to flex those writing muscles and crack open those dusty journals. Only this year, I'm going to make it super easy for you. I'm going to tell you what to write! You don't have to think, you don't have to research, you can just pick a question and answer it.

AND - these prompts come with full permission to write where you can when you can. You can piece together your reflections in small 5-minute chunks of time. You can write lying on the floor next to your toddler playing with toys. You can write while you wait for the coffee to brew or in the bathroom while you wait for the water to get hot.

Let go of the idea that journaling is a beautifully perfect experience and write for the feeling you'll have after you've written.

A sense of purpose and peace. A feeling of being present and noticing. A feeling of calm or inspiration.

Journaling for me, wherever and however I fit it in, is like pressing the pause button. Will you join me in pressing pause?


To get you started, these are some of my favorite prompts that'll encourage you to take a step back from daily life and just think.

Take them one at a time, as needed, or respond to several at once. There’s no right or wrong answer and no appropriate length of response. Write without overthinking and without editing yourself. Read your answers back to yourself or don’t. And then, appreciate how you feel after you've written.

Here you go...


  • What did you learn last year / What have you learned recently?

  • What relationships have meant the most to you in the last year (or recently)?

  • What questions do you have for yourself in the upcoming year (or in the next 6/12 months)?

  • Last year was a year of … / This year will be a year of …

  • What behavior, habit, or routine are you currently putting up with? Why?

  • What word or phrase do you want to eliminate from your vocabulary? What do you want to say more of instead?

  • Do you need a New Year to make a new change?

  • If you could spend more time doing one thing this year, what would it be?

  • What would your future self tell you about how you are living your life right now?

  • Your every day is your whole life. If that’s true, what does your whole life look like? What is it focused on?

If you uncover anything in your writing that you want to share or celebrate with someone, I'd love to be that person! Tell me what you're most excited about for this next year.

Journaling and reflecting in some form or another is a regular part of my private clients' homework. If you know you need more reflection in your life and you know you need the accountability of a coach to help you stick to your plan and support you in processing what you learn, I would love to coach you! Learn more about private coaching here and if you're excited about learning more, you can schedule a free clarity call here.


Want to make more time for journaling?

The Working Mom’s Ultimate Guide to Getting It Done is my tried-and-true process for organizing work and life so you can free up more time for things like journaling, working out, or anything else that’s been on the backburner for too long!