How to Hit Your Goals as a Busy, Working Mom

Today in my workout with my trainer Dan, I did something I was starting to think I'd never be able to do.

Here's the move, or the best video I can find! You get the gist.

The move itself is actually not the point, though I am super pumped.

The point is HOW, after weeks of trying and failing, I finally got it.

Instead of focusing on "getting it". On being in the actual pike position on the rings. Today, I focused on what was within my control.

As I was getting into position, Dan said - "jump higher than you think you need to and push down harder than you think you should."

So instead of thinking about the ultimate goal (and feeling like there was no way I could do it), I just focused on jumping and pushing and...


I jumped up and down and gave him a high-five and felt like my relationship to the goal was completely changed.

Instead of being this thing that felt so hard and so outside my reach, I narrowed my focus to what was within my reach.

Some people call them "lead indicators" and the larger goal itself, the "lag goal".

I love this concept and have been thinking a lot about that with other goals in my life and the goals that my clients are working toward.

You don't always know when you're going to hit a specific wellness milestone, reach a certain business revenue point, or change the way you feel in a relationship, but there are plenty of things that you can do that you have control over.

Levers you can pull that will have an impact on the ultimate goal itself.

In the case of my ring pike, it was jumping and pushing.

For my client who wants to lose weight, it's walking everyday and eating more protein.

For the client who wants more freelance writing work, it's pitching story ideas every week.

And for the client who wants to feel more connected in her marriage, it's going on a monthly date and sending a daily text just to say hi, I love you.

Of course you want to hit your goals or milestones in a certain timeframe. And maybe it's possible, but the more gentle and consistent way to reach them is to focus on what you do control - the lead indicators or levers you can pull.

And then trust that the timeline will work out exactly as it's meant to.

All of my clients come into coaching with goals. Some big, some small, all life-changing.

Together we identify the smaller pieces, the lead indicators that we can control, and then create a process and routine to make consistent progress.

We coach on releasing control of the timeline and releasing the extra, added pressure you put on yourself.

Reaching your goals is inevitable. I'm here to help you make the journey to the goal more relaxed and enjoyable.

If you're ready to make progress on your goals in the easiest way possible, you're ready for coaching. Reach out so we can outline your plan.

Ready to make time for personal goals?

Download the Working Mom’s Ultimate Guide to Getting It Done. This step-by-step process will save you time and energy, reduce decision fatigue, and make prioritizing relationships in your life easier than ever.

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