You Are More Than a Working Mom

In a coaching session last week, my client was saying how life feels so repetitive lately. Even with spring showing signs of waking up, things feel a bit blah.

(side note: I've been feeling the same way lately.)

So I asked her what would be fun.

[Blank stare.]

"Well, what do you enjoy doing?", I asked.

[She paused, clearly thinking really hard.]

Then she said, "You know, I'm not sure I even know what I enjoy anymore."

Can you relate? Do you remember a time when you would have answered the exact same way?

It was eye-opening for her, and also a little sad, to admit that she didn't have enjoyment in her life. And that she didn't even know what that would look like!

Don't worry - I didn't let her leave it there.

We did a quick brainstorming exercise and then I asked her to pick one thing and just TRY it.

A few days later, she sent me a selfie she had taken on a trail (she chose to go hiking) with a huge, silly grin on her face.

"THANK YOU" was all the caption said.

It's an important reminder for all of us to not just work and parent.

It's important to not just do the things your kids enjoy.

You were a person before kids, you will be your own person when they're grown, but you're also you're own person now.

What do you enjoy? What makes you smile, or sigh, or laugh, or relax?

Not sure? Me either, some days.

But that doesn't stop me and I'm not going to let it stop you either.

Be curious. Experiment. Figure it out. And then do MORE of that.

For you, yes. But also for your kids, your partner, your work. It's all connected.