How to Start Feeling Alive Again

mom running on a trail

What makes you feel alive?

That's a question I've been asking myself on repeat ever since I watched one of my clients achieve a BIG goal because it was something that made her feel alive.

I have to tell you this story because it's inspiring AF.

This client works full-time as a people manager at a large tech company. Her days are full of meetings and deadlines and she routinely logs on in the evenings to catch up after her 2 kids go to bed.

When we met, she was going through the motions of daily life with a full-time job, a house, and kids.

She'd been wanting to get back to running for years but just couldn't figure out how to fit it in.

Because the type of running she was interested in required training and consistency.

We brainstormed and outlined different schedules and routines to see how she could make it work.

She even registered and paid for a race 6+ months out so she'd have some skin in the game, but nothing was working.

That is until I asked her why this was so important to her. Why was this race, this goal, so important?

I mean, surely there are easier ways to exercise - ways that don't require such a big commitment.

But her answer blew us both away and had us both in tears.

Her reason, deep down, was to feel alive again.

To feel alive.

Talk about motivation.

Suddenly the logistical challenges of fitting running into her calendar felt small. And so did the discomfort she faced when she declined meetings, let emails pile up, and said no to invites so that she could train.

From that point forward, it just clicked.

And the photos of her standing on top of the trail, sweaty, rosy-cheeked, and beaming, would make you feel alive too.

So I'm asking you to think about what makes you feel alive.

What experiences, activities, or moments fulfill you and remind you that it's not about what you do or how much you do?

That it's just about being, and being alive.

Ask yourself. Ask your partner or your friends or your colleagues.

Start a conversation. Get inspiration. Be curious.

And then if you want help figuring out the logistics and scheduling to make it happen, schedule a clarity call with me. We can brainstorm a plan to help you feel alive again.

I have 2 spots for new private coaching clients who are tired of being stuck going through the motions and are ready to find more ways, big or small, to feel alive in their lives. Is that you?

Book your clarity call if it is.