Make The Most Of Your Weekends as a Working Mom

Working Mom Weekends

What do you expect from your weekends?

Come on... I know you have expectations.

Do you expect them to be fun, spontaneous, and joyful?

Maybe focused, productive, and kick-ass.

Or perhaps your expectations are more of the relaxing and recharging kind?

So many ideas and expectations, so little time. It can feel like an either/or decision. But what if you didn't have to choose?

Because my guess is that you want a little bit of everything: a little fun, a little productivity, and a little relaxation.

  • You want to make the most of the time you have with your family AND take care of a project around the house.

  • You want to have a fun adventure AND run household errands.

  • You want to take a nap AND plan out the next week for peace of mind.

I actually don't think that's too much to ask. I really don't. Because I see my clients making this their reality weekend after weekend.

But getting to this place of balance didn't come without some resistance.

Resistance to planning!

Most people, myself included once upon a time, think that weekends are for getting away from the schedules and routines of the workweek.

That in order for it to truly be a weekend you have to just relax and 'go with the flow'.

It sounds great in theory, but in reality, when you have 2 precious days and ALL the expectations, that approach doesn't always serve you.

You can "go with the flow" until Sunday afternoon when reality sets in and you have to scramble to get meals prepped, a birthday present ordered, school papers signed, and laundry folded.

Suddenly your relaxing weekend has a very chaotic ending that often carries over into Monday.

What if there was a beautiful middle ground? A middle ground that takes some planning in advance, yes, but that creates space for a very intentional weekend. One that includes the best of all your expectations and even includes a bit of spontaneity.

In my brand-new masterclass - Weekends That Work - I'm teaching you how to approach your weekends with intention, and a little bit of planning, so you can make the most of those 2 precious days and create weekends you feel good about!

Mark your calendar and join me live for coaching, Q&A, and a special early-bird bonus to kick off enrollment opening for the next round of Beyond Balance.

p.s. - If you skimmed to the bottom of this blog, I got you. Register here for my brand-new masterclass Weekends That Work. That's it. Just do it ;)