Create a Slower (More Enjoyable) Holiday Season

create a slower holiday season

Do you ever get tired of saying you'll do something and then you never follow through and actually do it? Like,

"Tomorrow I'm going to get up early, before the kids, so I can have a few minutes to myself." (hits the snooze)


"I really need to start meditating. 5 minutes is totally doable." (scrolls Instagram instead)

For me, it's been saying for the last three years that, "I'm going to get all of my holiday planning and shopping finished early so I can relax and enjoy a slow and intentional season with my family."

Uggh. I get so frustrated just reading that back to myself because so far, I've never followed through.

I start early, but I let the process drag on and on and the calendar get filled to the brim.

I delay my decisions trying to find a way to make everyone happy; I keep looking for better options; and as events and activities get added to the calendar in rapid-fire succession, I always end up scrambling at the last minute.

I hear from a lot of moms that if it's not the shopping, it's the scheduling that's stressful.

There are so many options and so many people to see that instead of slowing down and creating an intentional end-of-year, you end up overbooking yourself and feeling completely exhausted by the time it's all over.

Plus the holidays are in addition to your actual work which never seems to slow down as much as we think it should.

It's enough to send most moms into complete burnout (as if we weren't already there).

Well, I say enough is enough.

I'm tired of not following through on creating what I desperately want - a holiday season with less. Less stuff, less on the calendar, and less stress.

If you're craving a slower season, with an intentional plan that includes plenty of white space to just BE and ENJOY, I invite you to join me for a free workshop on November 9th.

I'm calling it a workshop because, while I will be coaching you, we will be working! Together, we're going to create your vision for the season, draft a plan, and make decisions so that you know how to take action and turn your plan into your reality. And I'll be doing the work right alongside you.

If you'd like to join me, click here to register.

I strongly encourage you to attend live to get the most out of the class and the community of other working moms doing the exercises together. But if you need the replay, I'll happily provide that to you. Please register so I know you want access either way.

I'll also be sharing more about opportunities to work with me in the New Year - the perfect time to start coaching so you can create more of what you want in your working mom life.

If you’re reading this in real-time, click here to register for my new FREE WORKSHOP
on creating a slower, more enjoyable holiday season.