5 Routines to Make Working Mom Life Easier

I usually try to keep these blogs hopeful, but real.

I want you to know that you can change things. That you absolutely can create a life that feels better than the frantic, busy, overwhelming BS we see everywhere.

But I also want to normalize that just because you're doing the work to change how you show up in your life, how present you are, how relaxed you are, that it's ALL that way.

You can have a life that you enjoy AND have days, weeks, or even seasons when things just feel a little stale.

When the schedule is too full, or no one seems to be healthy, or there's nothing really to look forward to despite all your attempts to manufacture something.

And in those seasons, as much as you want to find things to appreciate and enjoy, the best you can do is just survive.

I know, because I've been living in one of those seasons.

Yes, I "know" that things will change, that my energy will return, and that we'll have fun and enjoy life again. Because that's what a season is. It's a stage, a transition, and it doesn't last forever.

But in those times, no amount of mindset work, movement, or any other tricks seem to work.

And as much as you'd like to take a week off or crawl into bed to wait it out, that's not really an option.

Life continues on and things (kids included) won't take care of themselves.

That's when your systems and routines have to pick up the slack.

When I help clients set up systems and routines around the house, it's to free up more time, with the hope that they'll use that time for fun, enjoyment, and relaxation.

But those same routines also serve you in seasons of survival.

They make it easier to keep things running when you're low on energy, motivation, or health.

Whether you're in a season of enjoyment or a season of survival, here are 5 of the routines that keep life running and free up time and space for whatever it is I need:


To make meal planning easier, each day of the week has a "theme". Instead of choosing from ALL the possible recipes and meal options, I'm choosing a meal from within the theme.

  • Monday - soup

  • Tuesday - taco or enchilada variation

  • Wednesday - chicken

  • Thursday - pasta

  • Friday - pizza

  • Saturday - leftovers/takeout

  • Sunday - try a new recipe


I love how @simplyonpurpose shared the trick of picking a dance song to play after dinner and that’s the cue for everyone to help pick up and clean up. It makes it fun. Loud music, everyone smiling and dancing, and it’s a trigger for kids too. When this song plays, we help pick up! The more you do it, the more it becomes a routine that’s fun and it helps you get ahead on the evening chores so that after bedtime you can relax or go to bed instead of cleaning up.


This routine saves our kitchen. Every night after dinner and our clean-up time, we load the dishwasher and set it on a delay start so it runs overnight, and we wake up to clean dishes. Emptying the dishwasher is a tag-team affair with everyone pitching in while getting breakfast. Even if the dishwasher isn't entirely full, we still run it. Without this routine, I fear our sink and counter would be overrun with dirty dishes and who has the energy for that!


If you have a newer washing machine, check right now to see if it has a delay start button. Like the dishwasher, it's so easy to load up the washing machine at night with a load of laundry, set it to wash in the early morning hours so that it's done when you wake up. Then all you have to do is transfer the clothes to the dryer before you head out the door for work, school, or daycare drop-off. No more leaving wet clothes in the washing machine all day to start smelling funky. Laundry moves through the cycle each day with very little effort. (Bonus points for not folding if you're in a season of survival!)


I’ve always thought that morning routines are challenging for those of us with small children. It’s hard to be consistent if you have kids who are early risers, a newborn who's still up at night, or if you just need that extra sleep! I've found an adult bedtime routine is a more realistic way to spend a few minutes each day focused on you. Whether you stretch, meditate, journal, read, do a crossword puzzle, listen to music… it doesn’t matter what it is as long as you feel relaxed and enjoy doing it. Try giving yourself 10 extra minutes before bed and finish off your day focused on yourself.

Here's to seasons - may things always be changing.


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