Coasting v. Leaning In

Leaving Work on Time and Setting Boundaries as a Mom

Do you ever just want to coast for a bit when it comes to your work?

If you're anything like my client, admitting yes might come with a bit of guilt.

Is that bad? Does that make me lazy? I know we're supposed to "lean in"...

I know it doesn't happen for everyone, but for a lot of working moms I see there comes a season where you just want to coast.

  • You want to stay in the job you have because it's comfortable.

  • You don't want to go for the next promotion or pay raise.

  • You don't want to volunteer for extra projects that get you extra exposure.

  • You're not actively tracking toward your next professional milestone.

After the craziness of birthing and raising a tiny human, you just want a bit of a break from all the doing.

But you're a professional and a high-achieving one at that. Is that ok to want that?

Let me throw out a radical idea...

What if coasting was your goal?

A Real Challenge

We're taught to believe that goals are in the future. They stretch you, challenge you, and make you work to achieve them.

They require change - externally or internally.

But what if slowing down, staying where you are, and being content with what you have IS a change for you?

What if there's growth in learning to truly appreciate what you have today, in your life right now?

We're conditioned to want the next thing, to make the next change, or hit the next milestone.

But what if you decided that settling in and fine-tuning the life that you have right now IS the next milestone?

What if your next phase of growth happens BECAUSE you chose to coast?

The truth is, no one is watching your career as closely as you are. Everyone else is busy thinking about their own goals and timeline and professional progression.

And so the choice truly is yours.

You can continue working toward your next goal OR you can make coasting the goal.

Both are amazing options and only you know which one is right for you right now.

I'm just here to help you see coasting as a valuable option so that you can give yourself permission either way.

I have current clients who are coasting and current clients who are getting raises and promotions. What I love about them all is that they're doing it intentionally. They're choosing to be in the stage that feels right to them and they're doing it without sacrificing their time or their energy.

While I'm not a "career coach" by trade, the result of my coaching is sometimes an advance in your career. Because when you start managing your time more effectively, you have more energy and learn to focus on the most important projects where you can deliver the most value. And as you deliver value, your confidence increases and you feel comfortable setting stronger boundaries. So you're actually being more effective at work and at home with less stress and overwhelm. And the dominos continue to fall in that way and your energy and confidence are palpable. It all starts with coaching on how to manage your time. If you want to feel more confident in your work, I am getting ready to open private coaching spots later this summer. Reach out if you'd like to learn more.