You Don't Have to Choose Between Work and Life

Give your best to both work and life

Do you ever feel like you have to choose?

Between giving your energy to work - throwing yourself into creating results, serving clients, or hitting billable hour quotas - but having nothing left for your family?

Or giving your energy to your kids - thinking constantly about them and their needs, being really present and playing, or taking care of all the things for them - but having little left for the work your job requires?

Will work see you as slacking if you're saving your best solutions for your kids?

Will your family see you as a workaholic if you give your best energy to the job?

I see it all the time.

This dance of not wanting to give too much to work or home for fear of having nothing left for the other.

But you know what you end up with?

Mediocre results all around.

I know, because I used to do it too.

I did just enough at work to meet the requirements of my job.

I did just enough playing with the kids to make them feel like I was truly present.

I danced between the two and ended up never feeling fulfilled.

I missed out on truly stretching my mind, creating change, and contributing in a meaningful way at work because I was "saving myself" for my kids.

And I missed out on truly experiencing the fun, the uniqueness, and the beauty at home because I was "conserving my mental energy" for work.

If you know that you sometimes hold back or aren't truly present with where you are because you're thinking about what's next, I want to ask you - How does that feel?

For me, it felt like half-assing my life.

It felt like I wasn't truly living.

And I justified it by telling myself, "but I might need that energy later" or "I might need that idea for another time."

I didn't trust myself to manage my energy and my time in a way that supported ALL parts of my life.

But not anymore.

And the interesting thing is, when I stopped conserving my energy, my time, yes I experienced exhaustion. But that exhaustion just showed me what needed to change.

It helped me figure out different ways of managing my time so that I didn't have to choose whether I gave my best self to work or to home.

I gave my best to work AND to home.

And all that energy that I used to use to hold myself back and dance between the two, is now spent coming up with amazing results at work and really seeing and appreciating my kids when I'm with them.

If you want that too, I invite you to join me on Monday, February 7th for a free workshop where I'll teach you how to create a system that supports your energy and your time. Where you'll get live coaching from me on all of the challenges, hesitations, and roadblocks standing in your way of being present at home and at work. What if you could throw yourself into your work and your family without feeling exhausted all the time? Click here to save your spot. I really hope to see you there.