None of It Matters Except This

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It might be hard to believe, but sitting down to plan out my day was not always a part of my routine.

I was so insanely busy and overwhelmed that the time it took to plan was time that I didn't have to spare.

Even if it was only 5 or 10 minutes, that was 5 or 10 minutes that I could use to reply to an email, schedule an appointment, or buy my daughter's ballet shoes online.

So when I decided that something had to change and I might as well give it a shot, it was HARD.

I resisted it.

I complained about it.

And I was constantly pulled by the allure of just getting to work instead of thinking about work.

Maybe you're in a similar spot.

  • You know there's potential in taking the time to plan out your days, but you keep putting it off because you have so much else to do.

  • Or maybe you recently bought a new planner with the intention of creating this routine, but it feels like such a big project and you're quickly losing motivation.

  • Or maybe you're already planning your days but it feels stressful and heavy and like one more thing you have to do.

Whatever the case, I want to offer some thoughts that I used as I was establishing a planning routine for myself.

Thoughts that completely changed the way I think about my time.

Thoughts that have kept me planning my days for the last 4 years without fail.

Thoughts that have helped me relax, slow down, and be more intentional with everything that I do.

Here they are:

  1. I'm making decisions now, so I don't have to decide later.

  2. Mapping out my day helps me be realistic with my expectations.

  3. Knowing my priorities for the day helps me say no to what's not important.

  4. I don't find time; I plan it.

  5. I plan time for my dreams and goals.

  6. Planning gives me freedom and peace of mind.

  7. My plan is just a guide. I am in control.

You can have the most amazing planner, the best set of pens, the perfect process for planning your days, but if you still believe that your plan is in-control of your day and has the power to make you feel overwhelmed and stressed, then you'll still feel overwhelmed and stressed.

I don't care what tools and process you use. I have opinions and recommendations that I will gladly share if asked, but what I truly care about is how you THINK about your days. 

I want you to feel calm, relaxed, and in-control. That comes from what you believe.

Create an intentional plan for your days so you can feel in control. And if you don’t know how to do that, grab my free planning program and be on your way down a path to less stress.